On 10/12/10 8:32 AM, Veronica Isabel Uquillas Gomez wrote:
Dear all,

I am currently working on the *Ring*, an unifying and foundational model
infrastructure for Pharo.
The goals are:
- Provide a common API at structural and runtime level
- Allow tools to interact and integrate directly with the host
environment (Pharo)
- Support history analysis

I started comparing the APIs of RB, MethodReference, Pseudo classes, MC,
Smalltalk itself and Ginsu, as a basic to build the Ring.
So far I have implemented the main classes including the ones that
should replace MethodReference and the Pseudo classes.

An unified API will imply changes in most of the ones mentioned above
(as most of them are non-polymorphic).
As a first step, I would like to have your opinion about the proposal
for replacing MethodReference (attached file).

I'm not clear on what "Ring" is going to be, and I've looked at MethodReference for the first time, just now. Coming up with the names for things is a big part of creating an object information model (i.e. analysis model). The context of how ORCompiledMethodDefinition fits into the overall model would help to figure out the names.

Generally, I use "theSomething" as a last resort. And, typically it's for a temp var or method argument - rarely, if ever, for an object attribute (a.k.a. instVar). So, actualClass --> theClass, is a don't like.

The method definition is neither meta nor non-meta - the associated class can be meta. Suppose the meta-class hierarchy were eliminated, should the method definition still make sense in that scenario. I think classIsMeta is more clear than isMeta.

classSymbol --> className - yes
methodSymbol --> selector - yes

sourceString, sourceCode --> source - no, why not keep sourceCode, and avoid the confusion of redefining "source". Or, maybe rawSource and formattedSource could be used.

source --> formattedSource - yes

stringVersion --> fullName - not sure, but if there's version info in the name, I think "version" should be used in the name

I don't understand the talk about methodClass, objectClass, variableClass, commentClass.

Hope that helps.

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