> Is this a conscious decision to have an unique package per each
> category name, or just a technical limitation?

RPAckage has nothing to do with category matching: a package is a list of 
classes and methods. 

Now the problem is simply the following:

        you have a MC package FOO
        it contains FOO-Cat1

        you load it: ok the loader could create 
                RPAckage Foo
                        and put FOO classes and Foo-Cat Classes in it

        Now you create a new category
                FOO-z what should I do
                add it to FOO
                create a package Foo-z

We would like to get rid of the naming convention and matching on categories 
now we could have tags
but tags should orthogonal to packages.

> I'd prefer to have a package which can allow an arbitrary category
> names in future. It may be that tools like browser are not prepared
> for that..
> but not an internal information of package. To my thinking , classes
> which belong to package could have any category names..
> Names should not mean anything.. it is just for humans.
>> Now my time is short so I will
>>        - probably not implement tags
>>        - check again the implementation of RPackage and in particular the 
>> necessary compatibility layer, because I saw some strange
>>        code.
>>        - check the MC dependency on method category conventions, because 
>> some logic is not defined in the right place
>>         like overrides in the MC tools and not in the PackageInfo
>>        - check how a package gets created when loaded: the key question is 
>> that there is a problem to rely on categories to
>>        associate classes to packages because we can end up with overlapping 
>> (normally the IDE captures the category renames
>>        and change the packages accordingly).
>>        - we should not rely on most-specific-category kind of pattern 
>> matching.
> As i suggested, we should not rely on category naming in new packages at all.
> I think we could create an importer which using a legacy logic of
> making classes belong to some package based on their category name.

Yes but this is a pain. :)

> In future that should be removed.
>> So if you have suggestion please talk now.
>> Stef
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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