On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Yanni Chiu <ya...@rogers.com> wrote:

> On 25/05/11 11:22 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>> - globals behaviors (classes and traits) are managed (by default) in
>> kind of "light" serialization. Where we only serialize the global name
>> which means that the class has to be present in Smalltalk globals in the
>> image that you want to materialize.
>> You can change the default behavior and be able to completely serialize
>> a class/trait. But this is much more complicated and it is still work on
>> process (ClassBuilder is not your best friend).
> Okay. I think all that is needed is a "safe mode" option when
> *de-serializing*, which would discard any non-light classes or global
> objects that appear in the stream.
Sorry Yanni, I didn't follow. Could you please explain a bit more? what do
you want to serialize? do you want to be able to choose some classes as
light and some as non-light? where do you want to materialize ? in the same
image or in another one ?   When you said discard....what would you do with
the instances of those non-light classes for example? you don't materialize
them? and what happens to the objects that were pointing to them ?  why
would be the scenario useful for ? security ?



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