On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 8:12 AM, Yanni Chiu <ya...@rogers.com> wrote:

> On 13/06/11 6:56 PM, Yanni Chiu wrote:
>> On 13/06/11 5:49 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>> mmmmmm so you are using a stream to serialize and such stream is also
>>> being refenced from the object to serialize?
>> Yes, that's it - except that the stream is an FSWriteStream on a
>> FSMemoryStore "file", which I think is an issue here. The PRKernel is
>> holding an instance of PRFuelPersistency, which holds an FSReference.
>> That FSReference happens to refer to a memory-based "file".
> The code is at http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/pierfuel.html
> You'll first need a Pier image, with the following loaded:
> (ConfigurationOfFilesystem project version:  '2.0.1-baseline') load
> (ConfigurationOfFuel project version:  '1.4') load
>  OR
> (ConfigurationOfFuel project version:  '1.5-baseline') load
> If you run PRFuelPersistencyTest, then you'll see the stack trace. I saw
> the same problem with 1.4 and with 1.5-baseline.
> In the 1.5-baseline, I added #fuelIgnoredInstanceVariableNames to
> PRFuelPersistency and FSMemoryStore (to ignore 'directory' and 'root',
> respectively) but the same problem remained. So I think it's a bug.
Yes, We think you have spot a bug :)
Martin is working on that. We will let you know. Thanks

> Despite the test failing, the PRFuelPersistency works as expected to
> save/restore a Pier kernel to/from a file. The file is 30 times smaller than
> the corresponding (uncompressed) SIXX file.
and speed?  could you measure serialization / materialization time ?

Thanks a lot,


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