On Feb 29, 2012, at 7:02 PM, Nick Ager wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> His comment on modality really emphasizes this point, and something I
> think folks even in this community could stand to listen:  when I
> observe folks in their demo videos using Squeak or Pharo, almost every
> time I see folks browsing in a modal way.  They have a big
> Package-Pane browser open and they're looking at one package, one
> class and one method at a time...  They have to do about 4-5 clicks to
> "navigate" to a sent method, and 4-5 clicks to get back.  This is way
> too slow for ideas to emerge.
> I'd love to learn how to be more effective in the Pharo image. 

use nautilus and groups!
They are cool.

> Be great if you could share with us  more effective ways to navigate around 
> the code 
> .... even in a video :-)
> Nick

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