Hi, beware the shameless plug:

Our paper 

                   Identifying A Unifying Mechanism for the
                 Implementation of Concurrency Abstractions on
                       Multi-Language Virtual Machines [1]

introduces an ownership-based Meta-object Protocol (MOP) to enable the
enforcement of the various concurrency semantics required by the different
programming models discussed in literature.

The prototypical implementation is done on top of Pharo 1.3 and available at
SqueakSource3 [2] under the MIT license.

You might be interested in it to experiment with new concurrent programming
models. Typically, green threads are enough to be exposed to race conditions
and other correctness problems. Thus, a CogVM is sufficient for experiments.
RoarVM support is coming later, enabling experiments with the parallel aspects
of these programming models as well.

For the evaluation, we implemented a couple of concurrency models on top of
it. Most notably, you can use Clojure-like agents, AmbientTalk-like actors,
a basic CSP, Active Objects, and an STM that is a port of Lukas Renggli's
work. These concurrency models work out of the box with the Metacello
configuration given below (to the degree they were tested and benchmarked).

You might also be interested in the AmbientTalkST implementation that was done
as comparison as well as the direct port of Lukas' STM to Pharo 1.3 [3].

Please see the paper [1] for an introduction to the MOP and an example how to
use it to make objects immutable and implement Clojure's agents guaranteeing
all required semantics.

The paper's abstract:

    Supporting all known abstractions for concurrent and parallel programming
    in a virtual machines (VM) is a futile undertaking, but it is required to
    give programmers appropriate tools and performance. Instead of supporting
    all abstractions directly, VMs need a unifying mechanism similar to

    Our survey of parallel and concurrent programming concepts identifies
    concurrency abstractions as the ones benefiting most from support in a VM.
    Currently, their semantics is often weakened, reducing their engineering
    benefits. They require a mechanism to define flexible language guarantees.

    Based on this survey, we define an ownership-based meta-object protocol as
    candidate for VM support. We demonstrate its expressiveness by
    implementing actor semantics, software transactional memory, agents, CSP,
    and active objects. While the performance of our prototype confirms the
    need for VM support, it also shows that the chosen mechanism is
    appropriate to express a wide range of concurrency abstractions in a
    unified way.

The code can be loaded into a fresh Pharo 1.3 image [4] with the following
Gofer expression. However, be aware this is experimental software.
Furthermore, note that you will need to acknowledge changes to the Process

      Gofer new
          url: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/Omni';
          package: 'ConfigurationOfOmni';
      (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfOmni) loadTOOLS2012.

As mentioned before, the paper gives some examples. The definition of 
different concurrency semantics can be found in subclasses of OstDomain.
Examples of how to use any of the existing concurrency models are either the
unit tests, or the included benchmarks.

Note that the MOP based implementation of AmbientTalkST does use the same
class names. Thus, to use the ad-hoc implementation, you will need to load it
into a different image:

      Gofer new
          url: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/Omni';
          package: 'ConfigurationOfAmbientTalkST';
      (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfAmbientTalkST) loadTOOLS2012.

Similarly, the port of Lukas Renggli's STM to Pharo needs to be loaded 
into a separate image, too. This version is not using our MOP:

      Gofer new
          url: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/LRSTM';
          package: 'ConfigurationOfLRSTM';
      (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfLRSTM) loadTOOLS2012.


Thanks to Lukas for his STM implementation I used here. It was also a strong
inspiration for my bytecode transformation approach.

Best regards

Stefan Marr
Software Languages Lab
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2 / B-1050 Brussels / Belgium
Phone: +32 2 629 2974
Fax:   +32 2 629 3525

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