Marcus Denker wrote:
On May 10, 2012, at 11:29 AM, Pavel Krivanek wrote:


one my friend got Raspberry Pi yesterday so I have seen it in action.
I had almost no time for experiments but I have seen Fedora 17 on it
with standard Squeak (3.10) packages for this distro on FullHD
display. On that VM (3.10.5) I got about 40M bytecodes/sec and 1M
sends/sec. The environment is not extra fast but usable without
problems. I will pray for successful GSoC ARM JIT project :-) The
device was connected to the professional meter and the power
consumption was about 3.5W.

Very nice!

As soon as we get one we will put it as a build target for Jenkins...
(sadly even though I got up early that day I am not yet even invited to pre-order...).


Marcus Denker --

That is very interesting. I expect a working Smalltalk image for Raspberry Pi on a continuous integration server would attract a lot of good attention from the wider community.

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