" * Framework for inter-image communication (over Internet). I am hoping that 
somebody else takes on this. ThereĀ  were rumors about such a project, but I 
didn't hear anything about the guy in a while. This would allow to do real-time 
collaboration over Internet, to play games, etc. Sebastian Sastre is interested 
in this, but for Amber Smalltalk (running on the web).
* Framework for seamless data/object-synchronization. I suggested this a while 
ago, didn't get much response. I don't blame anyone, there is not much need for 
this right now. What I would want is to be able to modify certain objects in my 
image, while offline, and connect to the Internet, and these objects be 
synchronized between other images. This way Internet-enabled apps could be 
built on top of Pharo in a better way that web-apps are built now (because, in 
Pharo you can not hit F5 and get fresh data ;-). But this is low-priority for 

Take a look at Spoon. Currently Available for Squeak only, its author , Craig 
is currently porting it to Pharo too. Its a system that communicates object 
between images in bytecode level , locally and remotely and even version 
controls them. 


There is also Fuel which is a already very well known Pharo library again for 
serializing bytecode. 
Actually you just touched 2 areas that deeply interest me and I think most of 
the Pharo community. 

Games depend a lot on graphic engines , that is also the focus of my project, 
hence my interest in Athens. So yes I don't think we are as apart as you may 

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