On 2012-11-30, at 19:22, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:

> I have been using both Github/FileTree and Monticello for STON this week, and 
> things have definitively progressed. Thank you, Dale & friends.
> It does seem that I have to save a version to Github/FileTree first and then 
> copy it to Monticello (ss3) and not the other way around - otherwise things 
> seem to get messed up. So Github/FileTree is sticky ;-)
> Sven
> PS: in th FileTree code that I am using (from Metacello/Pharo 2.0) there is a 
> small UI problem:
> SmallInteger>>/
> Job>>progress
> JobChange>>progress
> SystemProgressMorph class>>updateJob:
> MessageSend>>value:
> MessageSend>>cull:
> MessageSend>>cull:cull:
> AnnouncementSubscription>>deliver: in Block: [action cull: anAnnouncement 
> cull: announcer]
> BlockClosure>>on:do:
> BlockClosure>>on:fork: in Block: [Processor terminateActive]

my bad, I have to finish my Job/ProgressBar refactoring :P

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