On 03.12.2012 09:30, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
On 03 Dec 2012, at 07:25, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:

Hi Mariano,

On 02 Dec 2012, at 23:43, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com> wrote:

This is really really interesting, because it means a speed up of 2x when 
reading :)
Where can I get the last version of ZnBufferedReadStream?
I knew you would be interested: it is in the latest Zn, either 
http://mc.stfx.eu or squeaksource (not in the metacello yet).
It should work on binary streams too, I don't know whether it would make a lot 
of difference, I would guess so.
Maybe Fuel uses lots of 'deterministic reading' (size prefixed) instead of 
Well, I just tried. The good news is, it works, the bad news is, it does not 
make a difference, either way:

| data |
data := STONTestMap classTreeExtended.
[ FLSerializer serialize: data toFileNamed: '/tmp/all.fuel' ] timeToRun. 4967

[ FLMaterializer materializeFromFileNamed: '/tmp/all.fuel' ] timeToRun. 1095

[ '/tmp/all.fuel' asFileReference readStreamDo: [ :fstream |
        ZnBufferedReadStream on: fstream binary do: [ :stream |
                FLMaterializer newDefault materializeFrom: stream ] ] ] 
timeToRun. 1043

So I guess Fuel is already pretty optimised, especially for reading ;-)

I think ZnBufferedReadStream only makes a difference for parsers that are 
sending lots of little #next, #peek and #atEnd messages in loops. Binary 
protocols are typically more deterministic, they know ahead what they have to 
read and don't have to do #peek or #atEnd tests all the time.


Sven Van Caekenberghe
Smalltalk is the Red Pill
The reduced read times you are seeing, is lack of decoding, not lack of buffering.

BufferedReadStream uses readInto:startingAt:count:, which isn't reimplemented for MultiByteFileStream to do proper decoding, and thus inherits the one from StandardFileStream.

The filestreams already do read buffering (albeit with a smaller buffer size), so when Fuel uses binary mode (which skips decoding), the performance is pretty much the same.


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