Hi Stef,
while massaging SmallLint rules, you should also have look at
Smalltalk/X version of SmallLint [1] as we have ported
Pharo version and improved some rules. I have also added
a tagging system. That's useful for some rules are only
good if you want to ensure portable code, some are simply
broken and some stupid, etc. Having them properly classified
would help us all.
Tell me once you finish your ride, I'll merge changes back :-)
to checkout issue:
cvs -d :pserver:c...@cvs.smalltalk-x.de:/cvs/stx co
On 18/01/13 17:06, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
While looking at SmallLint rule, I saw a rule that ensures that a given method
always performs a
super send.
Here is the current list:
^#(#release #postCopy #preBuildWith: #postOpenWith:
#noticeOfWindowClose: #initialize postBuildWith:)
and I'm cleaning the list because there are VW elements such as postBuildWith:
but do we have some other to add?