On Jan 29, 2013, at 10:14 PM, David T. Lewis wrote:

> Stef,
> Thanks! Probably we should call this ConfigurationOfCommandShell, because
> we also have a ConfigurationOfOSProcess in 
> http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository.
> You have commit access to SqS/CommandShell if you want to post it there also.

Yes now I understand. I will rename it tomorrow. Now bed.

> Dave
> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 09:54:08PM -0300, St?phane Ducasse wrote:
>> David
>> I commited a first version here:
>> MCHttpRepository
>>      location: 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/StephaneDucasse/PetitsBazars/main'
>>      user: 'StephaneDucasse'
>>      password: ''
>> Stef
>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 9:34 PM, St?phane Ducasse wrote:
>>> David 
>>> The first version is loading in 2.0:) 
>>>     Do you want me to publish it in the www.squeaksource.com. repository?
>>> Some feedback:
>>>     - you have some circular dependencies between base and Commands.
>>>     Commandshell in base relies on ShellBuiltin
>>>             installCommands: aCommandArray self builtinCommands: 
>>> (ShellBuiltin commandDictionaryFor: self commands: aCommandArray) 
>>> - when I typed ls in the command tools I get an error because 
>>> withBlanksTrimmed DNU
>>>     we could add it as an extension as follows.
>>>     String>> withBlanksTrimmed
>>>             ^ self trimBoth
>>> - same for withoutTrailingBlanks
>>> Strange I finally typed ls and I got 
>>>     > cannot access system to run 'ls'
>>> On Jan 29, 2013, at 12:14 AM, David T. Lewis wrote:
>>>> I have updated CommandShell for Pharo 2.0, and made a few additional
>>>> updates to OSProcess also. In addition to CommandShell-Piping, the rest
>>>> of the CommandShell package (except for CommandShell-MVC) can now be
>>>> loaded into Pharo 2.0.  CommandShellPharo provides the menu registration
>>>> to make "Command shell" available under "Tools" in the world menu.
>>>> The repository is at http://www.squeaksource.com/CommandShell, and the
>>>> latest versions are:
>>>> CommandShell-Base-dtl.29
>>>> CommandShell-Piping-dtl.13
>>>> CommandShell-Commands-dtl.13
>>>> CommandShell-UI-dtl.10
>>>> CommandShell-Morphic-dtl.2
>>>> CommandShellPharo-dtl.2
>>>> Yes I know, it needs a ConfigurationOfCommandShell.
>>>> There are test failures related to VM issues but the basic functionality
>>>> is now working, and both OSProcess and CommandShell should now be working
>>>> for Pharo on Unix/Linux (and hopefully Mac) VMs.
>>>> Dave
>>>> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 08:38:03PM -0500, David T. Lewis wrote:
>>>>> OSProcess and CommandShell-Piping should now load cleanly in Pharo 2.0.
>>>>> The latest versions are OSProcess-dtl.75 and CommandShell-Piping-dtl.13
>>>>> in the SqueakSource repositories for OSProcess and CommandShell.
>>>>> Thanks to Damien Cassou for doing the original work for OSProcess support
>>>>> in Coral. I adapted his work so it will now load in both Squeak and Pharo.
>>>>> Unit test notes:
>>>>> The AioEventHandlerTestCase failures are due to AioPlugin not included in
>>>>> the VM. I expect the tests will pass if AioPlugin is added to VM builds.
>>>>> Many test rely on #forkSqueak to create cooperating OS processes for the
>>>>> tests. These tests fail on Cog, although this does not affect basic
>>>>> functionality of OSProcess itself.
>>>>> UnixProcessAccessorTestCase>>testRedirectStdOutTo fails due to a problem
>>>>> introduced in the oscog branch of the OSProcessPlugin. This should be 
>>>>> fixed
>>>>> in the plugin but is a minor concern and does not affect normal usage
>>>>> of OSProcess.
>>>>> Dave

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