> To be honest I have problems understanding why method categorization is so 
> important.

Because I do not like to live in an environment where there are papers on the 
Did you read the pragmatic programmer book? I dislike these guys personally but 
the first book is excellent.
"No broken window"

Why do we remove deadcode? why do we comment classes?


> Often I don't care a single bit about categories because I don't understand 
> them. I often categorize just to make lint happy :) 
> What is the use? Declaring usage patterns? Declaring visibility? Use as 
> method extensions marker? anything you like just classify? I can understand 
> that it can help making the access of certain methods of a class easier. But 
> that is particular true for classes with a lot of methods. Most of the 
> classes are rather small. In most of my own developments I would consider 
> most huge classes a design problem in my code. So I would try to fix that.
> And finally it is not easy to learn about them because the browser is not 
> helping. If you browse through the methods of a class the category pane 
> doesn't get updated. So even if I want to learn by getting used to them it is 
> hard.
> I would make the none categorized term weaker by naming it "uncategorizied" 
> so at least I have the change to deliberately not categorizing my methods 
> without being annoyed by someones opinion about what is essential.
> my 2 cents,
> Norbert

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