On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 9:47 AM, Terry Raymond <traym...@craftedsmalltalk.com
> wrote:

> I constantly run into the situation where I am incorporating either HTML
> or javascript****
> in my methods. The problem I run into is the smalltalk string quote(‘). It
> is a real pain****
> to double quote it, and don’t even try to copy and paste external
> javascript.****
> ** **
> So, I think it would be real helpful to have some other funky string quote
> like****
> ##{{ }}## or some sequence that is very unlikely to occur in another
> language.****
> ** **
> Has anyone done this or even thought about it?

David Leibs has been pushing a well-thought-through facility he calls (and
other systems name) "quasi-quote".  Here, a string literal contains escape
sequences, a little like printf, that allow one to substitute values.
 Dave's syntax uses square brackets to escape into Smalltalk.  So that
(IIRC) you say things like


which compiles to something analogous to

    String streamContents: [:s| s
nextPutAll: '<html><head></head><body><H1>'; nextPutAll: myHeading
asString; nextPutAll: '</H1>]

But this excellent suggestion has fallen on deaf ears (my own included) for
more than a decade.

> ** **
> Terry****
> ** **
> ===========================================================****
> Terry Raymond****
> Crafted Smalltalk****
> 80 Lazywood Ln.****
> Tiverton, RI  02878****
> (401) 624-4517      traym...@craftedsmalltalk.com ****
> ===========================================================****
> ** **
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