On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Colin Putney <co...@wiresong.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 10:28 AM, Eliot Miranda <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> David Leibs has been pushing a well-thought-through facility he calls
>> (and other systems name) "quasi-quote".  Here, a string literal contains
>> escape sequences, a little like printf, that allow one to substitute
>> values.  Dave's syntax uses square brackets to escape into Smalltalk.
> That's certainly a useful construct, but I don't think it addresses
> Terry's problem. He wants a string literal that can include $' and CR
> without escaping. Something like HEREDOC or Python's triple-double-quote
> string literals.

If I had a brain I would have remembered the syntax and hence that it does
address Terry's point.  The quote character for quasi-quote is ` (back
tick), so single ticks are literal inside a quasi-quote.

> Colin


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