
what I know is that with igor we fixed all the senders of fractions:offset: and 
after igor introduced intersect:ifNone: 
to avoid generating "wrong" rectangles with negative values.

I thought that intersect: was deprecated.
or the precondition should be clearer.


On Feb 13, 2013, at 9:55 PM, Nicolas Cellier 
<> wrote:

> Rectangle>>intersects: has been changed recently (GuillermoPolito 2/8/2013)
>       rCorner x < origin x ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
>       rCorner y < origin y ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
>       rOrigin x > corner x ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
>       rOrigin y > corner y ifTrue: [ ^ false ].
> these inequalities have been transformed into <= and >=
> Can someone point me to the issue number documenting this change?
> Nicolas

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