Hi nicolas

Thanks for the questions. Indeed we should get a strategy. I like your idea of 
raising an exception.
Now how would you do it? I'm so sad that the system is build on sand. 


> 2013/2/13 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:
>> On 14 February 2013 00:15, Nicolas Cellier
>> <nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Please use my MessageTally trick above and you'll unfortunately see
>>> that intersect: is just one producer of empty Rectangle among many...
>>> So I think that the ifNone: protection is quite vain given the flow of
>>> empty rectangles, user is not in control at all, it's an illusion, and
>>> that a reasonnable decision is to enforce the invariant.
>> but the way to enforce it is to make rect to have consistent answers
>> to #width and #height,
>> regardless in what order of origin:corner coordinates given.
>> First , you make rectangle to be consistent.. then the users of it..
>> i do not see other way to deal with it..
>> I repeat, the final intent was to change #setOrigin:corner: to:
>> Rectangle>>setOrigin: topLeft corner: bottomRight
>>        origin := (topLeft x min: bottomRight x) @ (topLeft y min:
>> bottomRight y).
>>        corner := (topLeft x max: bottomRight x) @ (topLeft y max:
>> bottomRight y).
>> like that, there is no way a #width or #height can answer negative values.
> What I just want to remind you is that the base system is not at all
> ready for such a change and that you have a lot of work to clean it of
> degenerated Rectangle, it's not just cleaning intersect: and
> intersects:
> Are you sure you aint' gonna need an abstraction to represent an empty
> Rectangle?
> What if I try to inset a rectangle by more than half extent?
> What if I explicitely create a Rectangle with negative extent?
> (0@0 extent: -10@10) extent = (10@10) does not necessarily better meet
> my expectations...
> So what is your plan?
> - don't provide empty rectangle abstraction but equip each and every
> Rectangle producer with an ifEmpty: parameter?
> - create a class EmptyRectangle class with more explicit semantic than
> hasPositiveExtent not?
> Of course, if you can come with a cleaner model (less obscure
> features, and avoiding spreading guards everywhere in client code)
> then it is better to change the model rather than patch it.
> But it's not clear at all to me what your strategy is and where I can
> read about it?
> The bug reports I read are not informative and rather scary because
> they just completely ignore the old invariants. It's not a recipe for
> providing smooth transition.
> Also, when you change the invariants in the base system you have to
> provide a transition period to support the migration of client code.
> IMO, in the transition period, the code should better raise an Error
> rather than fixing things to what you THINK that is right in total
> contradiction with what users KNEW was right in the previous version.
> What are your plans concerning transition?
> Nicolas
>> But as i said, for that we needed to review all the code which was assumed 
>> that
>> rectangles internally keep origin @ corner points as they supplied
>> during construction..
>> but this is inherently wrong assumption.. one should not put any
>> assumptions on object's
>> internal storage. never! only on it's desired behavior.
>> And desired behavior for rectangle with two points (0,0) and (10,10)
>> regardless in what order
>> they given to answer 0 for #left, and 10 for #right.
>> Because once we make assumptions about internal storage then what
>> prevents me from assuming that following should also work:
>> extent := 10@10.
>> rect := Rectangle origin: 10@10 extent: extent.
>> self assert: extent == rect extent
>> Doing the small patches to fix minor stuff was not an intent of this
>> refactoring..
>> because it is counterproductive as to me: if model is wrong and
>> assumptions is wrong,
>> you will meet problems with it over and over again..
>> and as result, in a longer term you will spend more time fixing
>> glitches and dealing with inconsistencies here and there comparing to
>> just fixing the model and putting right assumptions in a first place,
>> once and for all.
>> This is the Pharo spirit :)  well, at least to me :)
> Agree, if you have enough power to do it.
>>> It's not ideal, but it's a wiser decision in the short term.
>>> Nicolas
>>> 2013/2/13 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:
>>>> On 14 February 2013 00:01, Nicolas Cellier
>>>> <nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> So here is what I did:
>>>> .....
>>>>> My feeling is that you are not thru with degenerated rectangles :)
>>>>> You'd better enforce the invariant in
>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=2601
>>>>> rathert than remove it as requested in
>>>>> http://code.google.com/p/pharo/issues/detail?id=2441
>>>> After replacement of intersect: with intersect:ifNone:
>>>> there is no need to enforcing invariants in #intersect: anymore, because
>>>> users can decide by themselves what to do if two rects are not 
>>>> intersecting..
>>>> the behavior of #intersect: for non-intersecting rects is totally
>>>> absurd and changing it to answer empty rect
>>>> (like with all zeroes) is not a good solution either, comparing to
>>>> providing a closure to handle it.
>>>>> Nicolas
>>>> --
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Igor Stasenko.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko.

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