On 2013-03-11, at 09:09, Frank Shearar <frank.shea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11 March 2013 02:19, Sean P. DeNigris <s...@clipperadams.com> wrote:
>> Igor Stasenko wrote
>>> what would be really cool to have is to integrate some steroids into
>>> diff viewer where guy B can press "create a review report"
>>> and write his comments directly under selected change .. then post it
>>> somewhere on web (or send emal),
>>> so guy A can see directly which of his changes made guy B unhappy.
>> This would be very cool. For me, this is one of github's killer features.
>> Dale and I were having conversations about particular statements right in
>> the diff for the commit. What makes it even more crazy is that there is
>> markup to hyperlink to issues/users/etc
> It's probably less work to get tools working with github than it is to
> re-invent an in-image github.

there is torch http://soft.vub.ac.be/torch/Home.html by Verónica Uquillas Gómez
which I presume does most of the things you want. AFAIK it doesn't run on 2.0
yet, maybe I am wrong ;).

Besides that we have Erwann doing and internship here working on validation of
Configurations, which is also going into the same direction.

The we have CodeCritics for validating code, which BTW is already in the image.

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