On Mar 11, 2013, at 6:17 PM, Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>> i am very happy that github exists.. and its features available only if you
>>>> put code there..
>>>> but if code is not on github, then what you will do?
>>> To rephrase the question: what do we still need to do before we can
>>> integrate (something like) github into a standard Smalltalk workflow?
>> how many man month engineer time do you have free for that?
>> Personally I prefer that 
>>      FFI
>>      VM
>>      vector graphics
>>      …
>>      get pushed.
>> So git integration will come but on people free time.
> So I see, your git allergies haven't stopped yet

No I'm not allergic.
Get it working and I will use it.
Now when I think about synectique or other projects I prefer to focus on 
something that work on important areas. 

        Where is a decent FFI simple to use?
        Can we get a stable VM?
        Why do I have to spend hour trying to understand menus….
        Where is a decent UIBuilder?

So my priority are into making the minimum works well.


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