Guys, would be this an interesting project to advance Smalltalk UI more
toward bleeding edge again, after 30 years, when we were there already
with MVC based GUI? Spec project have a potential here and Spec over web
frameworks to build fully desktop-capable web apps seems to be
achievable. Spec over Amber (who will propose that?), Spec over Aida,
Spec over Seaside? Benjamin, would you be a co-mentor of that project?

  Title: Spec over Aida for desktop-capable Web Apps

  Level: advanced

  Possible mentor: Janko Mivšek

  Possible second mentor: Benjamin?


Spec as a means to describe and generate GUI has a potential to help
building web applications as well. And because one of Spec goals is to
become a platform/framework independent, this project has a goal to
extend Aida component model for building Single Page web apps to become

  Technical Details

Aida has a component model for building so called Single Page web UIs,
capable of composing a hierarchy of so called web widgets, which are
standalone reusable components, together with hierarchical web form
support. Spec as descriptor and generator of UI is therefore a natural
extension of Aida component model. When a HTML5 Web Components standard
will be ready, Aida component model can be easily extended to support
that standard as well, together with Spec (and maybe UIBuilder too?).

  Benefits to the Student

Student will acquire the knowledge and experience of building
desktop-capable UIs on the web using HTML5 approach.

  Benefits to the Community

Spec has a potential to become a de-facto standard way of describing
User Interfaces for Smalltalk projects from desktop to web and mobile,
on a dialect and web framework neutral way. This project can contribute
a piece toward that goal.

Best regards

Janko Mivšek
Smalltalk Web Application Server

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