On 18 April 2013 23:02, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
> Am 18.04.2013 um 22:15 schrieb "Sean P. DeNigris" <s...@clipperadams.com>:
>> I tweaked the code because in my most common case, I don't care that it's
>> e.g. aByteString, but only that it's aString:
>>    (argument isKindOf: String) ifTrue: [ ^ 'aString' ].
>>    (argument isKindOf: Collection) ifTrue: [ ^ 'aCollection' ].
>>    (argument isKindOf: Integer) ifTrue: [ ^ 'anInteger' ].
>> Am I the only one, or would this be useful for everyone? lmk and I'll
>> prepare a slice...
> Sure, strikes me all the time! What keeps you from delegating this to the 
> argument object itself. It doesn't need to be the name selector.
Indeed... To the hell these case statements. It should be one-liner:

^ argument class canonicalArgumentName

> Norbert

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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