On Aug 30, 2013, at 4:35 , Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Aug 29, 2013, at 5:08 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
>> On 29 Aug 2013, at 16:51, Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> hi
>>> well... I've never been happy on using the UUID generator for my keys, but 
>>> is the fastest option I found. 
>>> There are, of course, alternatives: 
>>> 1) Using your own number generator (sequential, or whatever). Problem with 
>>> that is that is image based, then you need a persistence strategy... then 
>>> you are slow. 
>>> 2) then you can use your own procedure in mongo... with same problem than 
>>> (1)
>>> 3) you could use timestamp. but TimeStamps are slow :(
>>> anyway... I open to ideas :)
>>> in the mean time, you can check if your UUID generator is using the 
>>> primitive or not. In you are not, you have more possibilities of having a 
>>> collision. 
>> Yes, the Smalltalk code (type 4 UUID) is just a random number that is 
>> computed in a complex way.
>> What does the primitive actually do ? Is it different ?
> the primitive uses the clock ticks to produce an UUID... you shouldn't have 
> repeated numbers that way... but well, it depends on the platform 
> implementation also. 

Wait, which primitive is this? UUID > primMakeUUID? 
That code calls libUUID, which (as long as it doesn't crash :P) fetches from 
dev/urandom (or the windows equivalent RtlGenRandom), there shouldn't ever be a 
problem getting duplicate results unless  those system-provided resources are 
bugged, in which case your entire system is borked.

The fallback code using UUIDGenerator default admittedly has a weak PRNG, and 
is dog slow:
gen := UUIDGenerator new.
[gen generateFieldsVersion4] bench '12,900 per second.'
[ UUID new ] bench '3,610,000 per second.' "Primitive working, btw"

but that  hardly means you should run into duplicate sequential UUID's…

The *only* way sequentially equal UUID's  could arise, is if one uses 
UUIDGenerator directly, and creates a new instance each time, which does indeed 
run the risk of returning values derived from the same Time initialization , 
but that should *never* be done…


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