You can try something like this:

| handle window |

handle := NativeBoost forCurrentPlatform squeakWindowHandle.
window := NBWin32Window new value: handle; yourself.
window hide.


window setWindowText: 'im a main window blablabla'.


i didn't tested it since its been implemented, but i think it should work.

On 30 October 2013 11:20, Bernat Romagosa <>wrote:

> In this direction, I'm trying to call a function in the shell32.dll lib
> that apparently should let you minimize an app to the system tray, but I'm
> not having much luck... I guess I don't really understand what am I exactly
> doing.
> This is what I found in the 
> MSDN<>
> :
> BOOL Shell_NotifyIcon(
>   _In_  DWORD dwMessage,
>   _In_  PNOTIFYICONDATA lpdata
> );
> So, I tried to translate this into Pharo as:
> MyClass >> minimizeToTray: dwMessage data: lpData
>   <apicall: bool 'Shell_NotifyIcon' (dword PNOTIFYICONDATA) module:
> 'shell32.dll'>
> But it won't let me save the method, reporting it's expecting an argument
> I realize PNOTIFYICONDATA is not a primitive type, but I just don't know
> how to handle it... :(

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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