On 7 November 2013 14:18, PBK Research <pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk> wrote:

>  Hello!
> I have a problem with running Pharo 2.0 on one of my machines. I have two
> machines, both running Windows XP with SP3. On one of them I have a
> successful load of Pharo (actually it's a distribution of the Moose system,
> but that is just an application built on Pharo 2.0). This loads
> successfully when I double click on pharo.exe. On the other machine, the
> same action produces an immediate message: 'Pharo.exe has encountered a
> problem and needs to close'. Just in case this was some problem with Moose,
> I have just downloaded the latest one-click installation of Pharo 2.0 for
> Windows. This displays exactly the same behaviour - an immediate fail when
> I try to start it.
> I have tried to work out what may be different between the two machines.
> The one which will run Pharo has an Intel Celeron processor, the other an
> AMD Athlon XP (yes, they are both pretty ancient!), but I can't see why
> that should make any difference. The one curious thing is that Windows
> Explorer displays the type of the Pharo2.0.image file as 'Squeak image
> file'. There is an old version of Squeak installed on that machine; could
> that have any effect?
> I am a bit flummoxed by all this. Does anyone have any suggestions about
> how to diagnose the problem?

If you using too old VM , it simply does not supports an image format,
which pharo 2.0 uses.
But there could be different reasons.. a first step towards to solution is
to use VM for pharo, which we maintain and use..

> Many thanks
> Peter Kenny

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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