It's not a direct answer, but an interesting side-light: The recent
announcement of Gravel Smalltalk, billed as Smalltalk for the Java VM (
mentions as 'common Smalltalk features that we probably won't support' both
become: and thisContext. Presumably omitted because they can't be done in
Peter Kenny


From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of
Sergi Reyner
Sent: 25 March 2014 10:27
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: [Pharo-users] Java "this" against our "thisContext"

Hi everyone, 

I had a pretty heated IRC debate yesterday about how Smalltalk´s reflection
facilities are superior to those of Java, in the sense that they operate at
a higher level (I started it pasting one of those crazy snippets that got
posted to the list xD). It somehow slowly degenerated into someone trying to
convince me that Java's "this" operator is equivalent to "thisContext",
instead of "self".

My intuition says that´s wrong, but I´d very much like someone familiar with
both to offer an explanation to this poor unenlightened person :D


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