Check the FileSystem-Core-Implementation package and ask them to do the
Guides and Visitors in Java.

Their number of lines should be a couple of times more than these.

Or check the Pharo 3’s

*         PharoClassInstaller>>migrateClasses: old to: new using:

*         SlotClassBuilder

Yeah, sure, doing that in Java… doable. But what a deep pain where you can
for sure figure out.


From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of
Sergi Reyner
Sent: mardi 25 mars 2014 13:17
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] Java "this" against our "thisContext"

2014-03-25 10:50 GMT+00:00 Panu Suominen <
<> >:

What do you mean operates at higher level?

It´s probably a slightly poor choice of words :)

What I mean by operating at a higher level is that, whereas:

thisContext instVarNamed: #receiver put: 42

is a single message send to an object, this:

Field a = sun.misc.VM.class.getDeclaredField("directMemory");



somehow makes me think about accessing internals that I shouldn´t care
about. I´m not sure of what the Java code does, as far as I can tell the
intention was to show me how you can access 'this' in Java. It doesn´t look
very object-oriented to me, but I can´t produce a "formal" explanation of

Most things are much harder to do in Java than in Smalltalk but I don't know
if the level differs so much. For example method substitution is not so
standard VM feature in Java.

Maybe it wasn´t the right choice of words. I accept suggestions of
alternatives :)



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