Oh stupid me!
Thanks a lot Sven, crystal clear explanations (and class comments!), as
always :)

On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>

> Bonsoir François,
> From the class comment of ZnBase64Encoder:
> [...]
> Note that to encode a String as Base64, you first have to encode the
> characters as bytes using a character encoder.
> [...]
> Sending #asByteArray to a String is the same as doing no encoding (or
> doing null encoding).
> Consider:
> ZnBase64Encoder new encode: (ZnUTF8Encoder new encodeString:
> 'tamèreenslipdeguerre').
> => 'dGFtw6hyZWVuc2xpcGRlZ3VlcnJl'
> ZnBase64Encoder new encode: (ZnByteEncoder iso88591 encodeString:
> 'tamèreenslipdeguerre').
> => 'dGFt6HJlZW5zbGlwZGVndWVycmU='
> ZnBase64Encoder new encode: (ZnNullEncoder new encodeString:
> 'tamèreenslipdeguerre').
> => 'dGFt6HJlZW5zbGlwZGVndWVycmU='
> The last two are often the same, and thus equivalent to #asByteArray, but
> not always.
> HTH,
> Sven
> On 11 Jun 2014, at 21:56, François Stephany <tulipe.mouta...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I might hit some problem with Base64 encoding in there.
> > It seems that Pharo does not use UTF8 for its Base64 encoding.
> >
> > I'm probably missing something related to Base64 encoding...
> >
> > In Pharo 3.0:
> >
> > ZnBase64Encoder new encode: 'tamèreenslipdeguerre' asByteArray.
> > -> 'dGFt6HJlZW5zbGlwZGVndWVycmU='
> >
> > 'tamèreenslipdeguerre' base64Encoded.
> > -> 'dGFt6HJlZW5zbGlwZGVndWVycmU='
> >
> > In Ruby 2.0:
> >
> > Base64.strict_encode64("tamèreenslipdeguerre")
> > -> dGFtw6hyZWVuc2xpcGRlZ3VlcnJl
> >
> > http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp
> > (iso-8859-1)
> > tamèreenslipdeguerre -> dGFt6HJlZW5zbGlwZGVndWVycmU=
> >
> > http://www.motobit.com/util/base64-decoder-encoder.asp
> > (utf8)
> > -tamèreenslipdeguerre > dGFtw6hyZWVuc2xpcGRlZ3VlcnJl

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