Hi Peter,

For my application needs (English -> French), I normally use the gettext
package from STHub  and it works without any problems for me.

GetText so far not including in the Configuration Browser but we should
include it. There is also a configurationOf for Gettext and some
explanation in Pharo book how to use the package.

I dont know the seaside version and I have never tested it.


On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 3:32 PM, Peter Schorsch <trala...@freenet.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> Just started with pharo and seaside. Now I want to write an example
> seaside-application but with a multi lingual interface. So I installed
> pharo3 and then seaside via configuration browser.
> But then I had to realize that the seaside-gettext package was not
> installed; and also no gettext package. I found a gettext package in
> the repository http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/PharoExtras/Gettext.
> I installed the package ConfigurationOfGettext, but the
> configuraitonof-browser does not show it. So I installed the package
> Gettext via monticello.
> Then I found the seaside-gettext packages in the repository
> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/Seaside30Addons and installed via
> monticello the packages Seaside-Gettext-Core and
> Seaside-Gettext-Examples.
> Then I open a webbrowser to watch the gettext example. But there I only
> see:
> fontsize
>    * locale
>    * locale
>    * locale
>    * locale
>    * locale
> That looks for me like gettext is not working with pharo3 and seaside
> 3.1.2
> Any help is welcome - best a mini howto for gettext with pharo3 and
> seaside 3.1.2
> Thanks in advance

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