
On 02 Oct 2014, at 20:43, Esteban A. Maringolo <> wrote:

> 2014-10-02 15:19 GMT-03:00 Stephan Eggermont <>:
>> Esteban wrote:
>>> Are you using/planning to use PostgresV3?
>>> What are its advantages over current driver (PostgresV2)?
>> I was puzzled that a smart developer like Levente
>> decides not to use Glorp.
> I don't want to sound harsh, but there is no VISIBLE interest from the
> Pharo board/committee regarding ORM and/or RDBMS support other than a
> CI task. Few days ago I asked a question in the Pharo-Business
> regarding this, and got NO REPLY.
> This week I was looking into Python's SQLAlchemy [1] to find how close
> it is to GLORP current features, and also found out how far it
> seems/feels to a small
> community like ours. Not to mention things like jOOQ[2] ([1] provides
> some of its features though).
> I'm making no demands here, just giving my opinion about a "business
> feature" (DBs) that I'd like better supported.

I understand your pain, you're looking for people that are in the same boat, 
apparently there aren't that many. But there certainly are some (I use(d) 
Glorp+PostgresV2 myself, I believe Mariano does too), but it seems nobody wants 
to take the lead to push this (even) further. I am not sure this is necessarily 
bad, RDBMS does not move that much, but it would obviously be better to have 
more users.

We are a small(er) community, it is what it is, but we are growing.

>> And I wondered why SqueakDBX decided to use V2 instead of V3,
>> a protocol introduced in 2003 or so.
> Is the V2/V3 spec a PostgreSQL protocol spec or something made up in
> the Squeak community?
> I know something changed in PgSQL protocols around version 7.2.

V2 and V3 are indeed two different wire level protocols for a DB client to talk 
to PostgreSQL. Obviously, V3 came after V2, it should be considered an 
improvement, but V2 remains supported. As far as I understood it, V3 is binary 
while V2 is text oriented, the former should be faster. I am sure there are 
feature lists comparing the two somewhere out there.

Of course, the implementation quality of the driver is important too to get 
good performance. 

We'll see how far Stephan gets, I am interested. I really hope we can get the 
V3 code running in Pharo without too much compatibility issues.

> Esteban A. Maringolo
> [1]
> [2]


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