Le 29/11/2014 11:29, p...@highoctane.be a écrit :
I have been using AltBrowser for a test.

Some feedback

- I like to see doc with my code so having to click back and forth is
annoying and not conductive to writing class comments.

Good point. I wondered about having multiple text panes on the right (linked to multi-selection in the tree, such as selecting a comment + a method) but I decided against it on pure lazyness excuses (fear of code complexity / unable to see a simple way of doing it / able to get along without it).

Given the size of the text pane on the right, it seems we could do a lot with it.

But I have a feeling that having the start of a method allways at the same place (in the window) is significant.

A "auto-appearing" comment pane at the bottom?

- I got a couple freezes

Interesting. If you find a way to reproduce them, I'll be happy.

- I wonder how to get back to Nautilus. It would be nice to be able to
use both.

Nautilus is still there. You can open one (PackageTreeNautilus open), but, yes, it could be nice to unregister AltBrowser. Wait, I think there is a settings option...



Le 29 nov. 2014 10:40, "Thierry Goubier" <thierry.goub...@gmail.com
<mailto:thierry.goub...@gmail.com>> a écrit :

    Le 29/11/2014 10:06, Hilaire a écrit :


    Is that just me or is your filter/link not working?

    Don't hesitate to voice your feelings even if they don't fit within
    bug reports. The fact you're writing this is a kind of report ;)

    Making powerfull things simple is complex


        Le 29/11/2014 08:53, stepharo a écrit :


            Le 28/11/14 21:30, Hilaire a écrit :

                Le 28/11/2014 08:07, Marcus Denker a écrit :

                        It is unstable with me. It is really feature
                        complete, it is nice,
                        but I

                            may use wrongly.
                            May be with a simpler one I will do less

                    If nobody reports and fixes problems, they will stay

                Reported, they are.


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