Use the Finder tool and search for all gtInspectorPresentationOrder pragma's:

These are the actual custom inspectors.

Use the source, Luke !

> On 01 Dec 2014, at 16:00, kilon alios <> wrote:
> "So, here is the main page:"
> thanks for links really impressive what you trying to do with GT tools, but I 
> still cannot find documentation about the API of extending GT-Inspector
> following your link here 
> GTInspector class>>gtInspectorExtensionsIn: composite
>   <gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 40>
>   composite list
>     title: 'Extensions';
>     display: [
>       (Object withAllSubclasses flatCollect: [ :each |
>           (Pragma
>             allNamed: #gtInspectorPresentationOrder:
>             in: each)
>                 collect: [:p | p method asRingDefinition] ]) sorted ];
>     format: #gtDisplayString;
>     filterOn: [ :text :each |
>       each gtDisplayString includesSubstring: text caseSensitive: false ]
> for example I have tried this  and works fine and well, but since does not 
> tell me anything about the API , for example what composite is, or where 
> title and display come to play and generally how I can use this 
> customisability for my classes. Your other dont help on this issue either.
> I did not know that you can use GTInspector as a browser replacement. I am 
> impressed :) 

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