That is what a pharo app is , its just a copy of the ide, the language and
the tools together with some additional code.

You can hide the IDE from the user of course but it would be still there
unless you remove it.

If you plan to distribute the exposed IDE you need to check with Apple
license terms because I think they still have restrictions on this. So your
limitation is Apple and not Pharo ;)

Of course if you want to use the IDE only for yourself you have no issues
there and you dont need Apple's permission. Of course since people dont
code Pharo on their ipads (I am not a fa of the idea myself I like my 27''
iMac too much :D) you most likely run into unresolved problems.

So I would not recommend Pharo on iOS personally even though people have
done this , but you can try it yourself and make your own mind ;)

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 6:06 AM, David Boeren <> wrote:

> Sorry, I may not have been clear with my iOS question.  What I'm
> interested in is running the development environment on iPad, not just a
> deployed app (although that is handy too).  There are other apps that let
> you write code, compile it, and run it all on your iOS device without
> needing a computer or external compiler so I'm thinking that if they pass
> the app store criteria that perhaps Pharo or another Smalltalk could also
> do so.
> Thanks for the video link, I'll check it out.
> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 4:53 PM, kilon alios <>
> wrote:
>> I cant answer your JSON question but I can answer the other two questions
>> a) iOS b) Pharo video tutorial
>> a) as far iOS is concerned, yes pharo runs fine on it. I am not so sure
>> about the new vm Cog but there are 2 commercial pharo apps by the same
>> developer on Apple Story one is called DrGeo, which is a very cool app for
>> teaching kids and grown apps about geometry and iStoa which is another
>> educational app. So yes pharo looks fine on iOS platform.
>> b) about video tutorial, I am actually making a series of tutorial that I
>> call "Pharo Video Tutorial" using Pharo 3 and now I am using Pharo 4 , I
>> like to teach people the cutting edge and you can find a playlist with
>> those tutorial here
>> you can ommit the first one is about a general intro to pharo and the
>> second which is how to install pharo , the rest are all 100% practical and
>> I try to keep the blah blah to a minimum.  Excluding the first hour you
>> have a total of 3 hours cut down to 10 minutes more or less video tutorials
>> that will give you a very solid introduction to Pharo. Is an ongoing effort
>> so subscribe to be notified about new tutorials.
>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 10:26 PM, dboeren <> wrote:
>>> Now that my image is working properly again and the fires have been put
>>> out,
>>> I wanted to introduce myself a bit better...
>>> My name is David Boeren.  I first learned Smalltalk back in college many
>>> years ago, we used Smalltalk V in an object oriented programming class I
>>> took which was first-half Smalltalk, second-half C++.  This would be
>>> about
>>> 1992 I think?  In recent years I've mainly been using Java, with
>>> occasional
>>> Python dabblings.  I remember installing Squeak once or twice over the
>>> years, but to be honest it felt a bit clunky, perhaps this was just an
>>> early
>>> primitive version or whatever.
>>> Recently, I've been getting the itch to try out some different
>>> languages.  I
>>> was kind of looking at Scala or Clojure, one co-worker suggested Erlang,
>>> and
>>> so forth.  But after doing a brief review I ended up coming back to
>>> Smalltalk which even after all these years still stands right up with the
>>> cutting edge I think.  Sure, there are a few things that I think would
>>> be a
>>> little different if it were designed today like tuple support or
>>> whatever,
>>> but it feels like the right choice for something I'm going to use mainly
>>> for
>>> "fun" projects and the interactive environment is awesome.
>>> One thing I wanted to ask about is the status of getting Pharo running on
>>> iOS (or at least iPad).  I found some old posts but nothing much within
>>> the
>>> last couple of years.  I know there were app store policy issues in the
>>> past
>>> but I think that Apple has opened things up a bit since then, you can now
>>> get Pythonista in the app store, or Codea.  Is there still an obstacle
>>> or is
>>> it just something that hasn't been gotten around to yet?  I'd love to
>>> get it
>>> running on my iPad Mini and be able to transmit code back and forth
>>> between
>>> there and my laptop to work on it wherever I'm at.
>>> Second, I'm running into an oddity and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong
>>> or
>>> whether this is a bug of some sort, this has to do with trying to replace
>>> unicode characters in a string which seems like it should be a
>>> straightforward operation.  Here is my code:
>>>         "Fetch the raw JSON data from"
>>>         response := '' asUrl retrieveContents
>>> asString.
>>>         "Clean up the data a bit to make it a little more regular"
>>>         response := response copyReplaceAll: 'null' with: '""'.
>>>         response := response copyReplaceAll: '\u2022' with: ','.
>>>         response := response copyReplaceAll: '\u009e' with: 'e'.
>>> Basically I'm just pulling some JSON data and then doing a few string
>>> replacements to make the data suit my needs.  The first one works.  The
>>> second one works.  Since the third one ALSO uses a \uXXXX code I would
>>> expect it to work too, but it does not - the accented characters are
>>> still
>>> there.
>>> To get a bit more visibility into this, I copied the CopyReplaceAll code
>>> from SequenceableCollection into a scratch class method and adding some
>>> Transcript output:
>>> copyReplaceIn: aString All: oldSubCollection with: newCollection
>>>         "Answer a copy of the receiver in which all occurrences of
>>>         oldSubCollection have been replaced by newCollection "
>>>         | startSearch currentIndex endIndex |
>>>         Transcript show: 'start' ; cr.
>>>         startSearch := 1.
>>>         [(currentIndex := aString indexOfSubCollection: oldSubCollection
>>> startingAt: startSearch) > 0]
>>>                 whileTrue: [
>>>                         Transcript show: 'Found at index ' ; show:
>>> currentIndex ; cr.
>>>                         endIndex := currentIndex + oldSubCollection size
>>> - 1.
>>>                         aString := aString
>>>                                         copyReplaceFrom: currentIndex
>>>                                         to: endIndex
>>>                                         with: newCollection.
>>>                                 startSearch := currentIndex +
>>> newCollection size].
>>>         Transcript show: 'done' ; cr.
>>>         ^ aString
>>> A minimal test seemed to work:
>>> HelloWorld copyReplaceIn: 'R\u00e9my Lapointe' All: '\u00e9' with: 'e'.
>>> start
>>> Found at index 2
>>> done
>>> Testing this with the real data worked too:
>>> HelloWorld copyReplaceIn: ('' asUrl
>>> retrieveContents asString) All: '\u00e9' with: 'e'.
>>> start
>>> Found at index 22379
>>> Found at index 22500
>>> done
>>> However, when I went back to using the regular copyReplaceAll:With:
>>> method
>>> it does not work and I'm not sure why.  When it executes this:
>>> aString indexOfSubCollection: oldSubCollection startingAt: startSearch
>>> The value comes back as 0 even though it's the same data from
>>> '' asUrl retrieveContents asString (I added a
>>> "self
>>> halt" to be able to step into the method and view the variable values),
>>> and
>>> I'm not sure what the difference is.  There shouldn't be a limit on the
>>> size
>>> of the collection, should there?  The whole thing is around 116k which is
>>> big but not ridiculously so.  It is however big enough that the debugger
>>> can't show the whole value, or at least I haven't found a way to do so.
>>> And last, is there a good video tutorial for the Pharo beginner on how to
>>> use the various browsers, debugger, tools, etc... that come with Pharo?
>>> I
>>> would like to start learning more about the best ways to use these in my
>>> development processes.  I'm also having a lot of trouble finding the
>>> correct
>>> classes and message for what I want to do, searching online w/ Google
>>> often
>>> seem to turn up outdated information (or for a different smalltalk
>>> flavor)
>>> and it can take a while to figure out the correct way to do things.  Is
>>> there a good central reference for the APIs somewhere?  I know that you
>>> can
>>> search in the browser but I usually don't know the name to search for.
>>> It
>>> would be good to have a handy reference detailing how to do all the
>>> commonplace stuff.
>>> Thanks!
>>> --
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