Hi Mircea,

Pharo’s Configuration browser loads the default group of the Metacello 
configuration, which unfortunately was set to ‘Core’ for Seaside 3.1.
So, you will need to load additional groups programmatically:

(ConfigurationOfSeaside3 project version: #stable) load: #(‘Scriptaculous’ 

If you want to get the list of possible groups to load, inspect:

(ConfigurationOfSeaside3 project version: #stable) groups

This is something we fixed for Seaside 3.2, where the default will load 
everything to help newcomers. 
We prefer not to change the existing 3.1 configuration versions to not break 
existing uses, but it’s fixed in the upcoming version.

Btw, Scriptaculous is really outdated. You will prefer to use jQuery and 
jQuery-UI (or any other JS framework…)


> On 31 Jan 2015, at 15:01, Mircea S. <mir...@unom.ro> wrote:
> I used the method described here to install Seaside3 on Pharo. All is well, 
> but Scriptaculous doesn't come preinstalled. How do I get it?
> Seaside3 :
> 1: Go to the configuration manager
> 2: Select the Seaside 3 configuration. Click on Install.
> 3: Wait while it loads. Takes a couple of minutes on an i7 and a decent 
> network link.
> 4: Open a Workspace and start a ZincServerAdaptor on the port you like (here 
> 8080): ZnZincServerAdaptor startOn: 8080. (then CMD+d for Do It)
> 7: Access Seaside from your browser.
> 8: Install Scriptaculous, but how?

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