> On Mar 10, 2015, at 12:57 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> the standard string representation of an abstract platform independent 
> representation of a file should be that: abstract & platform independent (it 
> would be terrible to mask that behind a platform dependent external 
> representation) 
> furthermore it makes sense that the print string gives an indication of what 
> it actually is/models: hence it is useful to add the type reference (else 
> totally different ones will look the same)
> there are other accessors that do what you want, why can't you use those ?
> most objects cannot come up with just one single canonical representation
> for example, according to universal standards, ZnUrl and ZnMimeType can do 
> this, but these are exceptions

I’m already using alternatives to asString, I’m not stuck, I’m trying to 
understand why asString is not providing what I consider a practical answer to 
a universal need (string representation of a file reference).

Why the strategy of asString would not have a fallback to a really abstract 
representation for an unknown platform and return the useful answer for when is 
familiarized to a particular OS? 

Aren't *nix platforms universal enough?

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