Dmitri Zagidulin <> writes:

> Ahh, that's very cool!
> Though this is way off-topic from internal links (but I'm not sure where to
> bring this up, if there's a pillar repo somewhere) -- is there any way you
> can implement multi-line annotations? (and multi-line list items, for that
> matter). Using either an open/close syntax, or Markdown style (where if the
> next line begins with 4 spaces, it's counted as a continuation of the
> previous line.
> I bump into this a lot, with the PBE book. Working on a large text file
> using GitHub for version control kind of neccesitates hard line breaks at
> 80 chars. (Otherwise it's very awkward to see diffs, since long lines
> require scrolling horizontally).
> Regular Pillar paragraphs can be hard-wrapped at 80 chars no problem. But
> annotation lines or list item lines cannot. So one is stuck either avoiding
> them altogether (and emulating them using bold / italic / etc), or having
> to deal with the difficulty with diffs.
> So, any chance to make them multi-line capable?

that's a feature I would also like to see. Would you please add this to
the list of feature requests?!/~Pier/Pillar. I've just added
DmitriZagidulin to the Pier members. The next step would be for you to
add the corresponding automated tests.


Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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