Just a remark

I found strange that not a single little improvements of Magritte was necessary for the Qude project. Now if heavy users of open-source libraries do not enhance these open-source libraries and keep their extensions under close source then the open-source libraries will never make progress and I will immensely sad.

You know that I like business and that people can make money but the fight is against other community and
competetitor and not within Pharo.


Le 17/4/15 19:43, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :
On 16/04/15 16:33, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
    1) We want everything to be ajaxfied (so every single component
    needed to be rewritten for AJAX)
>     2) We want all our components to use Bootstrap layout

In QCMagritte we managed to keep most, using an Ajax-Memento and
the chained visitors.

    3) We want components/descriptions/renderes/etc that better fit our
    own needs
    4) We needed more hooks


    We think Magritte was easy enough
    to extend as is. Another thing we found is that sometimes is a bit
    hard to agree on what is needed for all magritte users. So fully
    refactoring Magritte may affect other developers or other use-cases
    of Magritte.

Yep, fully agree.


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