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yes great!

> On 27 Jun 2015, at 00:30, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Very cool. Thanks Stephan.
> Thierry
> Le 26 juin 2015 6:17 PM, "Stephan Eggermont" <step...@stack.nl 
> <mailto:step...@stack.nl>> a écrit :
> Morphic offers everything needed to create highly interactive applications in 
> Pharo. It is however, difficult to find out how to actually create those 
> applications. Morphic tutorials provide a starting point, and are not very 
> good at showing how the different features interact and are supposed to be 
> used together. Morph has lots of methods, and some of them are not in the 
> method category where you might expect them. The result is that most Morphs 
> in Pharo do not use much of what Morphic has to offer.
> Wouldn't it be great if there would be some sample code, showing how Morphic 
> can be used to great effect?
> Well, here is some code that takes a first step towards that goal.
> DragPanels shows how to create a floating palette, filled with
> wells that support dragging a property towards a target. It shows how to 
> combine drag-and drop with click: and context menu actions, and show  to give 
> UI feedback when over a well and when holding the mouse down over an element 
> that reacts to click:.
> You can see the code in action here:
>   https://vimeo.com/131889858 <https://vimeo.com/131889858>
> The color panel shows some colors. If you don't set the allowDropBlock,
> it will work with any morph that responds to #color: (like the world).
> By clicking on the plus, you can add more colors to the panel. The panel has 
> a context menu to restore the default values.
> ColorPanel withSevenPaleColors
>         allowDropBlock: [ :source :target |
>                 target class = CardMorph ];
>         openInHand
> The people panel shows avatars belonging to an email addres. By default it 
> uses gravatar for them, and caches the images.
> PeoplePanel new
>         defaultValues:
>                 #('step...@stack.nl <mailto:step...@stack.nl>'                
>                 'serge.stinckw...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:serge.stinckw...@gmail.com>'
>                 'nicolas.anque...@inria.fr <mailto:nicolas.anque...@inria.fr>'
>                 'thierry.goub...@gmail.com <mailto:thierry.goub...@gmail.com>'
>                 'stephane.duca...@inria.fr <mailto:stephane.duca...@inria.fr>'
>                 'marcus.den...@inria.fr <mailto:marcus.den...@inria.fr>');
>         allowDropBlock: [ :source :target |
>                 target class = CardMorph ];
>         openInHand
> When dropping, the dragSource sends #color: resp. #email: to the  target by 
> default. By setting the dropSelector of the DragWell this
> can be overridden.
> You can try the code by do-ing
> Gofer new
>         smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Dragpanels'
>         package: 'DragPanels';
>         load.
> It is used in (a work in progress)
> Gofer new
>         smalltalkhubUser: 'StephanEggermont' project: 'Documentation'
>         package: 'CardsMorphic';
>         load.
> Stephan
> p.s.
> On the wishlist are
> - add more color palettes
> - add a dark theme, refactoring the colors
> - add a small close cross in the title bar of the palette
> - define the dropSelector in the panel, not the well
> - support different sized wells, refactoring the sizes
> - make the mouseOver rectangle color content dependent
> - add pharo contributors as an avatar source
> - add a configuration

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