Then the only thing I can think of is a vm primitive that is implemented
differently in linux/mac than windows vm...

On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 7:07 PM, Jan Blizničenko <>

> I'm gonna try to reply to all of you and try your ideas
> Stephan Eggermont wrote
> > On 30-06-15 14:37, Jan Blizničenko wrote:
> >> Unfortunately no - all benchmarks I made with antivirus disabled.
> >
> > Including the Microsoft stuff itself? (Security Essentials/Windows
> > Defender) Does your desktop have a drive > 2TB?
> Yes, all such things I have disabled / removed.
> Mariano Martinez Peck wrote
> > Can you think of any other window process that could be detecting changes
> > all the time in .changes and therefore have an impact in the performance?
> > Do you have such pharo image in dropbox or similar service?
> I don't think so. I tried even running Windows in diagnostic startup (safe
> mode / running with only core processes and services) and it had no effect.
> Mariano Martinez Peck wrote
> > I would check the processes running and CPU of Windows while loading the
> > code...
> I was looking at it some time ago and it didn't seem like processor is too
> much busy, but as I think about it, it is suspiciously almost not busy at
> all ... ~1 % of processor usage. On laptop it fluctuates between 5 and 10
> %.
> I'm talking about usage when benchmarking the "store" code.
> philippeback wrote
> > Silly question: do you have a couple of Nautilus windows open?
> >
> > Loading stuff generates annoucements and Nautilus updates are killing
> > performance.
> No, only open thing is Playground from which I run the benchmarking codes.
> Sven Van Caekenberghe-2 wrote
> >> On 30 Jun 2015, at 18:36, Peter Uhnák &lt;
> > i.uhnak@
> > &gt; wrote:
> >>
> >> I think we've safely established that the bottleneck is disk operations.
> >
> > Let's take it one level down then,
> >
> > [ 'foo.txt' asFileReference in: [ :file |
> >     file writeStreamDo: [ :out |
> >       3 timesRepeat: [ out << String loremIpsum ] ].
> >     file ensureDelete ] ] bench
> >
> >   => "'512.595 per second'"
> >
> > We could experiment with variants, calling #flush, writing by character,
> > adding buffering, etc, but this is a start. At least this takes the
> source
> > code stuff out of the equations.
> "654.738 per second" on desktop
> "1,271 per second" on laptop
> Thank you all for ideas.
> Jan
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