Hi esteban

we need to be much much better one talking to external libraries.
Our esteban is working on it.


Le 23/7/15 18:52, Esteban A. Maringolo a écrit :
At your joung age you might have very good reasons to have chosen Pharo over anything else as I did a lot of years ago. I discovered Smaltalk by chance when I was 21 years old and already had my years developing with Perl and was starting to learn Java. Fortunately I started making a living out of it since I was 22 until today.

But if you want to make the community bigger you have to look into why people don't chose it, otherwise we'll be "preaching to the choir" as we many times are.

These days FP is on the bull trend, having been there way before than Smalltalk (Lisp, Haskell, etc. and their reincarnations Clojure, Scala...). What makes them popular most of the times is not the techology per se, but who uses it.


Esteban A. Maringolo

2015-07-23 13:06 GMT-03:00 Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com <mailto:i.uh...@gmail.com>>:

    On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 4:51 PM, Esteban A. Maringolo
    <emaring...@gmail.com <mailto:emaring...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        When I talk to "new programmers" (20-25 years old), almost all
        of them don't get attracted by it.
        Why? I couldn't tell. Mainly because they can't use the few
        tools/patterns they already learnt how to, barely, use.

    As someone who (still) falls into this range I see several
    (unrelated) reasons why they might not like it.

    For me personally I encountered Pharo in University in "Conceptual
    modeling" class, where it was introduced pretty much as "Oh, by
    the way, here is this completely new environment that you've never
    seen nor worked with that we will use, but we will not tell you
    much about it"... so my first experience was quite awful. I
    mean... I couldn't even write the code in my favorite text editor
    and I had to use this weird browser where system code and my own
    code were mangled up. Image crashing meant I lost my work. Now I
    know I can just replay changes but I didn't know it back then (the
    focus of the class was modeling, not Pharo). Bugs (this was Pharo
    2 (and 3 beta)) were commonplace and since I had no experience I
    couldn't tell whether it was my fault or the system's fault... it
    was overall very unpleasant.
    I later (after the course) basically foced myself to look at Pharo
    again because I didn't understand why would people bother to use
    it... so clearly there must have been some value I've missed. And
    I don't regret that decision a bit, but I had to go look for it.
    So statistically speaking from the year I did the class only two
    or three students (to my knowledge) kept their interest out of 119
    (so 2-3% maybe). Other years were no different.
    Next year there will be a dedicated class for Pharo so I'm curious
    if this will change somehow.

    But there may be other reasons why students may not like it...
    (looking again from my experience)
    From university experience perspective, the previous year (for us,
    and from what I talked with people it's not that different also
    for other universities) was a heavy massage in C and C++ where we
    were implementing very basic concepts (hashtables, and other data
    structures). A year where your main concern was to pass a
    automated checking system... so mostly memory management and
    creating write-only code. Plus warped concepts of OOP (so to use
    actual student quotes: "C++ is great for explaining OOP", "You can
    do OOP in pure C", or "OOP is useless, long confusing code, full
    of getters and setters, .. and slow. Inline assembler is much
    faster"). So with such concepts it's hard to give them OOP
    language, because they already made up their mind.

    Yet another reason I can see might be that when you are young you
    are more inclined to follow what's cool and modern and popular and
    shit (or has the word "game" in its name).
    So if today's world revolves around connectivity, internet,
    JavaScript and whatnot, then giving them a isolated environment
    with non-mainstream technology and a dead language they've never
    heard of (I thought that Smalltalk was an obscure language that
    died in '80s, before I found that actually it's alive and doing
    quite well) will not be met well with appreciation.

    But no reason to stop there... there market for Smalltalk is
    arguably small, so people will prefer language that is in demand
    by the market (after all, I pay my bills with
    JavaScript/PHP/webstuff, and not Pharo; because it's much easier
    to find a job; with Pharo I would have to basically start my own
    business to be profitable and then I would be doing business and
    not programming).

    And last (but not least), finding support for it is much harder,
    since the community is smaller. So it's almost all or nothing

    Also some of the arguments here can be applied also for functional
    programming (which I haven't (shame on me) even engaged with,
    besides messing with Haskell in XMonad (and multi-paradigm
    languages that have some functional concepts).

    Finally I don't think that you should expect the same behavior
    from young people (<26) as from adults. They will have different
    values, views, and whatnot... I mean that's the point of growing
    up and acquiring experience. All you can do is offer this
    alternative option and provide support. Being mainstream or
    non-mainstream is akin to self-fulfilling prophecy. (Of course
    exceptions happen, JavaScript was raised to glory because the
    language happen to be in the right place (browser) at the right
    time (boom of modern web)).

    Hmm... and this post ended up being much chaotic and longer than I
    intended to... but whatever.


    p.s.: I like the music analogy since I was listening to k-pop
    while working (webtech), and now I am listening to ambient music
    when writing about Pharo :p

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