Le 03/08/2015 12:44, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
> Hi,


> I have two questions:
> 1.
> Would it be possible to add \usepackage{hyperref} to Pillar pdf output?
> Because currently all links are invisible (well, not invisible but they
> look like regular text so if the).
> So if you have sentence like "Then create a directory named "pharo-vm"
> and unzip the VM for windows that you can get on the pharo website
> (windows virtual machine) ." (Section "installing pillar on windows."
> nobody will notice that it's a link).
> Having hyperref for print doesn't make sense but if people are viewing
> it on their computer it's useful.

I tried to add what you write but I do not see the difference. Do I have
to add something else? (I did not used much LaTeX before so I'm not
familiar with LaTeX templates.)

> 2.
> Why does HTML and PDF numbering differ?
> For example the first figure in HTML is "15.1", whilst in PDF its "1.1".
> This is further exemplified in the second sentence of the chapter
> "Pillar is currently used to write the Enterprise Pharo book and other
> projects (see Section 1.1)."
>  or
> "Pillar is currently used to write the Enterprise Pharo book
> <https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/EnterprisePharo> and other
> projects (see Section 15.1.2 
> <https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/EnterprisePharoBook/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/PillarChap/Pillar.html#pillarUSERS>)."
> Where in PDF it's actually referring to the whole chapter instead of the
> proper part. But this may be result of the subsections not being
> numbered (unlike html, which numbered is).

This is because you check only 1 chapter. If you check the whole book on
"book-result" you will see that it's "15.1".

See: http://puu.sh/jnEyC/8952285cee.png

If you compile only 1 chapter in LaTeX then you will only have the
numbering of the chapter.
If you compile the whole book you will have the numbering of all chapters.


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