On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Julien Delplanque <jul...@tamere.eu> wrote:

> On 24/08/15 19:47, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>> If you have no window opened in a desktop you cant create a new desktop.
>>> If you did, can you try:
>>> DesktopsManager uniqueInstance nextDesktop
>>> and
>>> DesktopsManager uniqueInstance previousDesktop
>>> That indeed switches desktops. So the shortcut is clearly not working
>> then.
>> Strange, it works here using Pharo 4 under Archlinux.

Are you using KeyBinding for this?

> Do you see the DesktopMorph on bottom right of the screen?
>>> No..I only see a number "1". Also, I use a background picture for my
>> Pharo
>> so maybe that is being in front of the morph. So I guess somehow you morph
>> should go in the front. The way I set a background picture is like this in
>> case you want to reproduce it:
>> PolymorphSystemSettings desktopImageFileName: '/Library/Desktop
>> Pictures/Yosemite 3.jpg'.
>> Just in case..I also use the dark theme...
> This number is the DesktopMorph. It is transparent unless when you switch
> desktops,
> there is a little animation that makes it opaque and progressively become
> transparent again.
Here there is no animation and it is always white colored. And it always
remain as "1", never become "2" in the second workspace.

> BTW..were you aware of the tiling window manager?
>> http://magaloma.blogspot.com.ar/2011/05/tiling-window-manager.html
>> I do not want all the features of the TWM, but a simple switch between
>> desktops, yeah, I would like that!
> No I don't know this project, does it have multiple desktop built-in?
Yes. But I just tried in Pharo 4.0 and it is buggy (you loose all workspace
contents for example when switching).


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