Le 15/09/2015 16:22, Ben Coman a écrit :
> Thanks. Thats a good read. Its been a while since I was using Pillar.
> I can't remember exact features then but there seems to have been
> massive progress with lots of new nice features...
> * Sub/super-scripts
> * Unique text alignment per table cell - markdown seems only to align
> whole columns
> * Link syntax for internal, neighbouring-file, external-url seems
> balanced and logical
> * Script line numbers, MmmMmmm
> * Templating
> * Generating part of the document with a Smalltalk script. Wow! Bingo!
> Just what I've been dreaming of.   Now do you think maybe this might
> be used to open a UI Tool (e.g. SystemBrowser) and generate a screen
> snapshot to png file on disk, that can be included as a Figure ???

This is on the todo list of Pillar :)


But as you can see on the list of issues… There is still a lot of works
to do!

> Perhaps even able to process tapes from EventRecorder?
> http://lists.pharo.org/pipermail/pharo-dev_lists.pharo.org/2015-January/104701.html
> One query...
> * In "5.2. Configuration parameters" I see
>     support - I am a collection of support files [...] will get
>                    copied inside the outputDirectory folder.
> Does this support copying a whole folder to be a folder in
> outputDirectory.  For example the "theme" folder in Ecstatic ?

For example a common use for a book can be:

    "support" : [ "support", "**/Figures" ]

This will include the folder `support` with the templates, css etc.
For the LaTeX export we create some symlinks to the outputDirectory
named `root`, this allow to use "\include{root/support}{myTeXFile.tex}".

This will also include all the folders named `Figures`.
For example if you have `baseDirectory/chap1/Figures` and
`baseDirectory/Annexes/A/c/Figures` you will get
`outputDirectory/chap1/Figures` and `outputDirectory/Annexes/A/c/Figures`.

You can also use "Chap#/Figures" to take only the Figures folder inside
`Chap1`, `Chap2`, `Chap3`…

> Some minor feedback on PillarChap doc...
> * In part "3.8 Pictures", consider leaving the colon off the end of this 
> line...
>      To include a picture, use the syntax 
> +caption>file://filename|parameters+:
>    since it confused me for a moment whether it was part of the syntax.
> * Minor grammatical correction...
>      A slide end at the beginning of an other slide or at the end of
> the document.
>      A slide ends at the beginning of another slide or at the end of
> the document.
> Now I'm a bit late to the party following 1.0.0 release, but I have
> one criticism and one enhancement suggestion...
> * The syntax @@subscript@@ is very close to @@annotation.  I wonder if
> something like ,,subscript,, might have been a better choice. I don't
> see many double commas anywhere (except data), and if some text needs
> to display such data, requiring a space between commas is probably not
> too onerous.
> * In "3.9.1. Script with a label or caption", since the link syntax is
> used, possibly using the anchor syntax would feel more consistent.
> That is...
>         [[[@script1|caption=...
> rather than...
>         [[[label=script1|caption=...

I will keep that feedback and see what I can do latter :)
Thank you very much! Feedback is awesome!

> Great work with Pillar guys.
> So if I want to add the following to Ecstatic's pillar.conf
> {...
>        "baseDirectory" : "_srcsite",
>         "outputDirectory" : ".",
> ...} it won't get automatically passed through to Pillar?  I'll need
> to work out how to get them to Pillar myself?

I didn't had the time to take a look at ecstatic but I know a lot of
features as the outputDirectory are hardcoded inside Ecstatic because
it's new in Pillar and we don't have the time to update ecstatic.

> Am I correct to assume Ecstatic is using Pillar 1.0.0? since
> Monticello shows the latest Configuration is loaded in the image.

I don't know if it is exactly the 1.0.0 but if it's not it's a pretty
close version because we fixed the version with Guillermo at the end of
my internship and the 1.0.0 went out in my last day of internship.

> cheers -ben


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