
On 30/11/15 12:34, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
let me give you the thinking of someone that comes from another language

"What is this ? Ah Pharo
What features it has ? Ah thats some nice cool features, live coding looks sweet How about version control ? Hmm no its too weak and their website for hosting repos is problematic in many cases Maybe I could use git which I am familiar with ? Ah yes.... but wait there are many limitations
How about big repos that git excels at ? Nope it crashes Pharo VM.

Maybe I could use X because I'm familiar with is the proper argument if is not taken too far. Interface with the external world without a forceful coupling to X1 should be the approach.

Things get popular not because they have nicely designed APIs, they become popular and rightly so and wisely so because they work. Simple as that.

Considering that several things work in a particular domain (data bases, DVCS, etc) that seems reductive.

I hope at last version control is addressed seriously because its a real pity Pharo not to be able to use git when there are toy languages like brainfuck that interface better with it or other version control system.

I am not against the idea of an abstraction API for Version Control , great idea do that, but first let get things working properly so we dont get people scratching their heads on git merges or people struggling to find out why sthub is down once again.

With that approach we should get Oracle intimately coupled with Pharo before having Garage or any DB related advance. In fact I'm using NBSQLite for *my* own purposes and needs, but I don't plan it to be the default in the language/environment. May be because pharo goes beyond the language and has and integrated experience, we think in how we can make it smoother for other people, like frameworks which integrate git or sqlite by default, but a proper balance to not enforce my particular tastes over others should be kept also. So I would advice tightly integration for "apps" (Scratch, grafoscopio) and loose one for frameworks/environments (Aida, Seaside, and pharo itself).



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