Hi Craig,

First you should check the tests and run them 1 by 1.
Your default browser should open and you should see a PharoJS logo following a websocket log. If that is working correctly then you have loaded all needed sources and your image should be fine.

There is general problem with the JSWorkspace and JSPlayground. If timeouts occur then it seems as if the image is busted and no PharoJS code works anymore. In my case it usually helps to just start one of the interactive unit tests or to close and open the image.

Please read the class comments of JBBridge and other documented classes. This will give you a better understanding of how PharoJS actually works.

If you "doit" a "JbDemoApplication start" then your default web browser should open and you should see a green rectangle asking you to click on it. You can put a "self halt" into the "setupDOM" method and especially into the callback handler blocks,.... see what it does,... you can debug the JS app within Pharo and the app changes live in the browser....

There is also the class "JbBrowserExamples" which has two scripts on the class side. Copy them into a JSPlayground and inspect them. The action should take place in the browser opened while you opened the JSPlayground. But be aware! Those scripts do not stop the websocket nor the proxy and it usually does not take long until you have to restart/reset the image....

I hope that helps a little?!


On 2015-11-30 12:56 PM, craig wrote:

Can the people that have it working provide some tips please.

I have the pink PharoJS workspace open, am I correct in understanding that the results of any evaluation is this workspace should show-up in the browser? At this point nothing shows-up in the browser.


On 2015-11-30 21:16, craig wrote:

I just loaded PharoJS into a fresh v5 image, and I also had the DNU message until I loaded the NewExternalWebBrowser package.
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-------- Original message --------
From: Noury Bouraqadi
Date:2015/11/30 5:48 PM (GMT+02:00)
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] PharoJS Status

Just tested with a fresh image and it worked.
On 30 Nov 2015, at 16:37, Andy Burnett <andy.burn...@knowinnovation.com <mailto:andy.burn...@knowinnovation.com>> wrote:

>>> Craig said
Hi All,

I'd like to start messing around with PharoJS.  Can anybody tell what
the status is? (Stable, broken, etc.)

And, which Pharo version should I use for this?
I have just started playing with it. I have had some difficulty getting a running image. Following the instructions - should - work, but I found that I needed to install the NewExternalWebBrowser package separately before it would run.

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