Hi Sebastian, 

I did get the JbDemoApplication to run in the browser. The concepts seem
simple enough. Thank you for your assistance. 

The next step for me was to run 

"JbSmalltalkToJavaScriptExporter exportClasses: {JbDemoApplication.
JbApplication} packages: #() inNewFileNamed: 'demo.js'" 

to see the generated javascript. However, I cannot get the generated
code to run. 

I'll take look another look and see what's going on tomorrow. 


On 2015-12-01 00:21, Sebastian Heidbrink wrote: 

> Hi Craig,
> First you should check the tests and run them 1 by 1.
> Your default browser should open and you should see a PharoJS logo following 
> a websocket log.
> If that is working correctly then you have loaded all needed sources and your 
> image should be fine.
> There is general problem with the JSWorkspace and JSPlayground. If timeouts 
> occur then it seems as if the image is busted and no PharoJS code works 
> anymore.
> In my case it usually helps to just start one of the interactive unit tests 
> or to close and open the image.
> Please read the class comments of JBBridge and other documented classes. This 
> will give you a better understanding of how PharoJS actually works.
> If you "doit" a "JbDemoApplication start" then your default web browser 
> should open and you should see a green rectangle asking you to click on it.
> You can put a "self halt" into the "setupDOM" method and especially into the 
> callback handler blocks,.... see what it does,... you can debug the JS app 
> within Pharo and the app changes live in the browser....
> There is also the class "JbBrowserExamples" which has two scripts on the 
> class side. Copy them into a JSPlayground and inspect them.
> The action should take place in the browser opened while you opened the 
> JSPlayground.
> But be aware! Those scripts do not stop the websocket nor the proxy and it 
> usually does not take long until you have to restart/reset the image....
> I hope that helps a little?!
> Sebastian

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