Yes. I tried it and it works on my linux system ... :-)

On 01.12.2015 16:22, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Does the script Ronie sent work for you Volkert?

Alexandre Bergel

On Dec 1, 2015, at 1:11 AM, Volkert < <>> wrote:

That is cool. Thank you ...


On 01.12.2015 01:25, Ronie Salgado wrote:

I added a fallback method for the selection, so the missing extension should not be required. The following script should work in a playground.


view := RWView new.
elements := RWCube elementsOn: (1 to: 50).
RWCubeLayout on: elements.
elements do: [:el |
    el when: RWMouseButtonDown do: [ :ev |
        ev element color: WDColor red.
        ev element changed.

view addAll: elements.
view addInteraction: RWMouseKeyControl.
view open

I tested it on:

OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile

cat /proc/cpuinfo
model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz

Best regards,

2015-11-29 3:33 GMT-03:00 Ben Coman < <>>:

    Interesting stuff Ronie.  Hopefully we'll gain a lot in
    portability with Vulkan.   What I find interesting is the use of
    Standard Portable Intermediate Representation (SPIR) common to
    Vulkan graphics API and OpenCL compute API.  [1] is an
    interesting article outlining this.  [2] indicates a few
    programming languages will compile direct to SPIR and I wonder
    if Pharo might be able to do the same?  New technologies (SPIR)
    => new opportunities to draw the curious to Pharo.  Wild
    speculation... be able to debug a shader on a SPIR simulator
    running inside Pharo.

    (btw, apparently SPIR is pronounced "spear" not to be confused
    with our "spur" vm)

    [2] p39,40 says "Debug information via standardized API calls"
    and "Khronos encouraging open community of tools e.g. shader
    debugging" which may provide an opportunity to produce a shader
    debugging tool for use by individual developers in a corporate
    environment that constrains their language choice for the main
application, but have more flexibility to choice their tools. So potentially once exposed to Pharo we hook some of them. Maybe interesting debugging info could be gathered that could be
    presented by Roassal.

    [3] p4 says "SPIR-V is fully set up to support multiple source
    languages" and "SPIR-V also enables development of new
    experimental languages" and [4] says "Enable third-party code
    generation targeting OpenCL platforms without going through
    OpenCL C."  So maybe(?) this makes it easier to get fast
    computing within Pharo using more of our own tools?


    cheers -ben

    On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 6:13 AM, Ronie Salgado
    < <>> wrote:

        Hi Stef,

            I think that this is important that people can pick
            different ("compatible") driver/framework back-end.
            You see if Woden is only built to work on something that
            does not run on mac or windows then
it will be limited.
        The problem is not Window or Mac. The problem is Linux.

        We are having some discussion on this with Alex on this. I
        am going to try to remove the requirement on that extension
        by providing a fallback method for the selection, that does
        not require that extension. Then I will test it in my laptop
        by selecting the Intel driver (My laptop has the integrated
        Intel card in the CPU and a dedicated AMD graphics cards).

        However Woden-Roassal relies a lot on hardware instancing
        support to be able to draw a lot of dynamic cubes. The
        alternative is to use a vertex buffer and index buffer that
        holds all of the transformed visible geometry that is
        updated on each frame in the worst case scenario. In the
        best case scenario (static cubes or objects), they are
        updated only once. This relies a lot on the CPU because all
        of the transformations has to be done manually on the CPU.

        This is not a hardware problem, this is a drivers problem
        because OpenGL is huge, complex, unefficient, does not
        represent the graphics hardware. The Mesa Open Source guys
        are not able to keep pace with the extension hell known as
        OpenGL. In Ubuntu 14.04 Mesa supports up until OpenGL 3.0
        compatibility profile, and OpenGL 3.1 core profile. The
        current version of OpenGL is 4.5. Each version of OpenGL has
        a different version of GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language), which
        makes harder to stick with one reasonable subset and then
        support features depending on which hardware you are
        running. In contrast, if you are developing for Direct3D in
        Windows, you only need to choose between Direct3D 9(Windows
        XP), 11(Vista I think/7/8), 12(Windows 10) and thats it. In
        Direct3D you do not have to deal with hardware vendor
        extensions because there are not extensions.

        By using instancing, I have a buffer with the geometry of a
        single cube or shape. Then I have another buffer with the
        transformation and color of each cube or simple shape. When
        updating the position, size or color of an element I only
        have to change a single entry in this buffer.

        The original Roassal 3D used a draw call per element. This
        more flexible, but a lot slower. 20.000 cubes in Roassal3D
        vs 300.000-600.000 in Woden-Roassal visibles at the same
        time. The overhead of a draw call is produced because some
        validations are made by the OpenGL driver for each draw call.

        A draw call per-element is only reasonable when using
        Direct3D 12(Window), Metal(iOS, OS X) or Vulkan (Linux,
        Windows and mobiles) because there are designed to remove
        the overhead of draw calls. This is the approach that I am
        going to use in Woden 2 via an abstraction layer that I am
        making in C/C++ above the graphics API. Currently I have a
        backend for Direct3D 12 and OpenGL 4.x (it should be
        possible to use OpenGL 3.3, but I need to test it). I made
        the OpenGL backend because Vulkan has not been released yet.
        It is impossible to get the best performance by using the
        OpenGL backend because of its design. In theory it should be
        possible to make a backend for OpenGL 2.0 and OpenGL 2.0 ES,
        but it will be really hard to do. And it will not have a
        good performance.


        2015-11-28 14:41 GMT-03:00 stepharo <>:


            I think that this is important that people can pick
            different ("compatible") driver/framework back-end.
            You see if Woden is only built to work on something that
            does not run on mac or windows then
            it will be limited.


            Le 25/11/15 00:14, Ronie Salgado a écrit :

                What do you mean with "modern"?

            By modern I mean a graphics card a with graphics driver
            that supports at least OpenGL 4.x. That Intel HD
            graphics card is capable of supporting at least OpenGL
            4.2, but the Open Source Mesa driver gives you support
            up until OpenGL 3.1. Unfortunately, unlike with AMD or
            NVIDIA graphics cards, the open source driver is the
            official driver.

            Woden-Roassal requires integer arithmetic in shaders
            which is used to support the selection of objects.
            Integer arithmetics in shaders requires at least OpenGL
            3.3, or the missing extension for which you are
            receiving the error.

            It is not required by the Woden-Core api, so you should
            be able to try the following in a workspace:

            WDFPSSimpleExample6 new open

                My notebook with an HD Graphics 4400 has no
                problems with all "three.js" demos found here

            Three.js or any WebGL based example is a bad test for
            that graphics card. WebGL is based in OpenGL ES 2.0
            which is a subset of OpenGL 2.0. This is a very old
            technology for that graphics card.

            Woden will be using Vulkan in the future. According to
            this Phoronix article
            Valve has already made a proper Vulkan driver for the
            Intel graphics cards. We only need an official release
            of the Vulkan spec.

            Best regards

            2015-11-24 18:50 GMT-03:00 Volkert

                My notebook with an HD Graphics 4400 has no
                problems with all "three.js" demos found here

                What do you mean with "modern"?

                <Mail Attachment.png>

                On 24.11.2015 22:25, Ronie Salgado wrote:
                You need a modern graphics card. Open source
                graphics drivers are not supported because there
                are very behind in their implementations of OpenGL.

                2015-11-24 17:28 GMT-03:00 Volkert

                    But not on my linux box .... ubuntu 14.04 :-(

                    <Mail Attachment.png>

                    On 24.11.2015 21:03, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
                    Woden works in Pharo 5.0
                    I have just tried.

-- _,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:
                    Alexandre Bergel

                    On Nov 24, 2015, at 3:15 PM, Volkert
                    <> wrote:

                    Cool ...

                    Which Pharo Version? I tried Pharo 4.0 and
                    got this error:


                    On 24.11.2015 12:50, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
                    Do we have a tutorial? i found only

                    What about mouse control and object
                    selection. It that possible?


                    To load Woden:

                    Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'ronsaldo'
                    project: 'Woden'; package:
                    'ConfigurationOfWoden'; load. (Smalltalk
                    at: #ConfigurationOfWoden) loadBleedingEdge.

                    v := RWView new.

                    1 to: 100 do: [ :i |
                    e := RWCube element.
                    e when: RWMouseButtonDown do: [ :ev |
                    ev element shape color: WDColor green.
                    ev element changed.
                    v add: e.
                    RWXZGridLayout on: v elements.
                    v addInteraction: RWMouseKeyControl.
                    v camera position: (WDVector3 x: 0.0 y: 0.0
                    z: 3.0).
                    v open
                    Use the keys A S D W and the moose to
                    navigate. Click on cube to make them green

                    <Mail Attachment.png>



                    On 22.11.2015 21:10, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
                    We have also put quite some effort on
                    Woden, a 3d engine for Pharo…


                    On Nov 22, 2015, at 2:56 PM, Dimitris
                    Chloupis <> wrote:

                    its possible via my Ephestos project, to
                    render to video or real time but the
                    project is still very much a WIP. Its
                    doable but require some python knowledge
                    and knowledge of Blender UI and API. I
                    will be making a true Pharo API for it
                    fairly soon but as you can imagine these
                    things take time.

                    On Sun, Nov 22, 2015 at 6:35 PM Volkert
                    <> wrote:
                    Is this possible with Pharo?



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