> On 17 Jan 2016, at 22:18, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pipes are actually slower than sockets (local UNIX sockets that is) and I 
> dont need sockets if I am using shared memory. 
> I could create an event que and not allow direct access to shared memory, 
> this way I make sure everything happens in order and in sequence. This way I 
> can make sure multiple writes and reads dont happen at the same time. This 
> could be a first implementation and if the need arises for multi threading 
> then I can revise this design but frankly I rather stay away from 
> multithreading and other complexities and keep this simple and easy to learn 
> and code. 

You will still need a signalling channel so either side knows that it has new 
commands to process without having to poll.

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