On Mon, Feb 1, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Robert Kuszinger <kuszin...@giscom.hu> wrote:
> Who could check if it works at all? Actually I've invested a week in this
> small Seaside app, performs beautifully but now it seems that It simply
> cannot be installed on Windows? How do people use Seaside/Pharo on Windows.
> Is there someone using it at all? :)
> No problem if I'm the first one, anyway.
> My goal is to start it automatically in the background (service is not
> necessary, again, it is enought to be started).
> Is it possible that Pharo starts with a widnow (splash) but noone sees it?
> Summarizing:
> - I'm looking for a solution to start a headless Seaside app on Windows
> possibly with Pharo image.
> thanks for any recommendations.

Hi Robert,

I haven't had anything to do with headless Pharo, so I'm no use to you
there.  Hopefully someone else can help, but I have personal saying
"If you can't solve the problem, change the problem" -- so just a wild
suggestion for a kludge workaround until you get a better answer - run
virtualbox headless [1] or as a service [2] with Linux inside to run
headless Pharo.  Disclaimer, I've not tried these myself either - just
found them through a search.

[2] https://code.google.com/archive/p/virtualboxservice/

HTH, cheers -ben

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