On 25 March 2016 at 12:51, Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Better name it "Pharo OpenGL ES" so people don't get confused why some of
> their OpenGL code does not work. You won't finds docs about it , the guy
> that made it rarely frequents this forums anymore and his code is based on
> a api that is no longer included and supported by Pharo because it was
> doing a lot of machine code stuff that was very hard to maintain.
Why cutting things down to a subset?
You have all specs on Opengl.org .. all you have to do today is to import
xml file and generate proper ffi calls. You can, of course, add support of
OpenGL ES.. but why throwing away rest of spec? It just a spec.. you don't
have to use it if you don't need it. Instead, if that feels too big -  you
can do it smarter way:
- make package/subpackage/classes for ES edition and for full edition.
It shouldn't cause much trouble if you do it right.
Because throwing away is easiest part - but making something that will
serve for years .. harder, because tomorrow someone else can come and throw
your stuff away :)
OpenGL is around for years now.. and i don't think ES edition will replace
standard.. I would prefer to be able to access to full OpenGL
functionality, at a day i will need it.. why cutting things down?

There's many ways to do things in smart way so, nothing will be lost.
If you don't want/can't maintain or support full OpenGL support - that's
another story. Then just don't call your project OpenGL - it will cause
confusion to those who expecting things to work out of the box, and finding
out it just OpenGL ES..

> My advise is don't worry about backward compatibility , make it easy, make
> it simple. Don't be afraid to code some of it in C if you have to.
> Sometimes it's far easier to use C than Pharo. Pharo is no magic wand.
Yep, make it work. That's all what matters.

> And foremost ask a ton of questions. We love questions.
> On Fri, 25 Mar 2016 at 11:38, Thibault Raffaillac <
> thibault.raffail...@inria.fr> wrote:
>> > Can you include a proper build script?
>> Yep sorry, here are the steps I used to make it run on OSX:
>> $ brew install glfw3
>> $ cc demo.c -lglfw3 -framework OpenGL
>> For other systems the doc is hopefully detailed enough (
>> http://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/build.html).
>> > Why do you say ?porting NBOpenGL?? Is it just a matter of rewriting the
>> > native calls with the new FFI system?
>> NBOpenGL functions were generated automatically from NBGLGenerator, so I
>> need to get used to the tool beforehand. It looks like a lot of work was
>> put into this, can I find a paper about it?
>> Also, IMO this all looks too complex. My point in limiting to ES 2 is not
>> just removing functions, I want to make it look simple like the C demo!
>> Thibault

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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