
I got that working, and a bit more besides, and things are starting to look
pretty good. However, I've run into another issue I'm not sure how to
resolve. Recognizing that, as you mentioned, nested builders are something
of a bleeding edge feature, I'm happy to try to contribute code if what I'm
trying to do isn't already implemented. My question now is how to adjust the
size and shape of the nested, builder-produced elements. In the example code
you posted, is it possible to 

1) remove the square borders from the pie graphs, and
2) make the pie graphs different sizes based on, for instance, the size of
the array they represent?

This second question is also relevant for sizing the pie graphs in
proportion to other elements such as labels. Witness the uneven proportions
between the pie charts and a label added to the display:

v := RTView new.
data := #((1) (2) (1 2)).
es := data collect: [ :d |
       b := RTPieBuilder new.
       b interaction popupText.
       b objects: d.
       b slice: #value.
       b build.
                b view asElement.
v add: (RTLabel new elementOn: 'label').
v addAll: es.
RTCellLayout new lineItemsCount: 3; on: es.
RTMetricNormalizer new
        view: v;
        elements: v elements;

Normally, I gather, this is done by adding size and shape info to the
element factory before it produces its elements. Since the builders do not
appear to have been intended to fill this role initially, however, I can't
seem to find any corresponding inputs for size or shape of their generated
elements as nested in another builder's view.


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